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ibrokeaface2 karma

I can say that if you're being completely honest that you get the help you need, and that you find out exactly what's going in n with you, but the way you explained your story makes it sound a lot like something a teenager would think of in order to convince people that they're going crazy. The mental math you can suddenly do in addition to seeing someone reading a magazine is.. Strange.. And very unbelievable. The fact that you specified they were reading a different magazine with the same clothes on sounds like something out of a fictional movie about someone "going crazy."

But again, if you're being honest, I hope you get the help you need, but I can't help but be skeptical. It's literally a condition that seemingly hasn't been observed.

Ninja edit: I would highly suggest you get your brain scanned if this is true. Brain tumors can do some crazy shit to your perception, and while I have my doubts, I can't stress enough how important it is for you to get checked out.

ibrokeaface2 karma

And why is that? This story sounds pretty fucking ridiculous, and as I said in my comments below, I hope (if he is telling the truth) that he gets help for whatever is wrong. There's just something about this story that seems too.. Made up, or at least exaggerated.

ibrokeaface1 karma

No.. If it's true (probably not) something is wrong.

ibrokeaface1 karma

It sounds to me like specifics someone would make up to sound more credible. I'm not saying that he's 100 percent lying, but there's no reason to believe what someone says just to be specific. It's actually a good way to pick up on someone lying. Even I'm guilty of doing it. You make up these super specific scenarios in order to sound more convincing, and it's a way I've been able to call someone out on lies more than once (as well as me being called out on a lie).

This is some random kid telling a story on reddit. If people were to believe someone based on the fact that they were specific, then every single alien probing story and every Bigfoot sighting is true. Sadly, they're not, so I'm going to remain extremely skeptical.

ibrokeaface-1 karma

For some reason I believe this is complete bullshit.