Highest Rated Comments

ibstayer4 karma

Is it though? What's with this cream/whitener they're mentioning?

ibstayer2 karma

Who knows? But the immediate change in his attitude toward life, new found optimism, a desire to inspire and encourage others, regaining his appreciation for life and now wanting to live it to the full AND strengthening his relationship with God all seem like pretty good reasons to me.

ibstayer2 karma

I can't remember where I heard of this; but someone, somewhere, at some point in time, who knew they would pass away leaving a child made a collection of video messages for their child. Each message was dedicated for a certain milestone or stage of life. So that as the child grew up, even though you may not be able to be there in person any more, your words and love would live on. A video message for highschool, for graduation, first boyfriend, the sex talk, just whatever. You could even just make a few for no reason at all but to tell her you love her. You can still be a part of her life and these milestones.

I can't imagine what you're going through and I'm sending much internet love your way! God Bless!

ibstayer2 karma

Are we able to see that photo anywhere?

ibstayer1 karma

That's awesome! Well.. y'know what I mean. It's great that people can be so positive in the face of adversity. Everyone's different, I guess some people flourish when they're presented with a challenge. Such optimism is admirable. Certainly don't think I could do it..