Highest Rated Comments

ice10914 karma

Street food bro street food (i know you're not actually a bro but i think that term should unisex).

ice10913 karma

i rarely go out to eat

Oh man but that's like literally half the fun of traveling!

PS no love for Africa!?

ice1093 karma

what school? what department?

ice1092 karma

I'm a peace corps volunteer in rural Uganda. This guy's experience might as well be on another planet, that's how different. Also you can't do peace corps straight out high school. You need a college degree.

ice1092 karma


you don't have to stay. there's no reason to stay. i convinced at least 3 of my friends while we were in country that they should leave and i wish i could have convinced myself to leave. you should ET. it's literally traumatic (i COSed ~1 year ago and i still have nightmares that i'm back at site) and what for? no one is going to think less of you, no one is going to be worse off for you leaving. you'll also be healthier - i still don't shit right and the dentist in country sucked (don't trust anything they say).

you shouldn't feel guilty.