Highest Rated Comments

icepick314100 karma

Do you think that appearance (ie how you look) has significant factor in getting people together?

like "That woman/man 'looks' nice...I think I'll go talk to her."...

in most animal kingdom, looks are what attracts potential mates...like bigger feathers, larger manes, brighter colors, ect ect...

icepick3146 karma

I was contacted as possible donor match earlier this year and told I may or may not be exact match they're looking for and advised if I don't get any more contacts, I was not exact match they're looking for.

After a month, I was not contacted again and did not donate.

Good for you to volunteer for bone marrow donation.

Would you still have gone through if you had to do marrow donation instead of PBSC donation?

icepick3143 karma

I registered myself couple months back and got confirmation 3 weeks (?) ago...

I also donate blood on regular basis and is a organ donor...

I hope EVERYONE does this...what's the point of your body rotting in a grave or burned to ashes when it can be used to save someone's life?

icepick3143 karma

from what I understand, it's done locally via their network of hospitals...

if there is a hospital or medical facility near you, then that's where you go...

icepick3142 karma

Please push for Android version of the animated ebook...

or Kindle or Nook...

but seriously, animated version on Android would be awesome!