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idgelee168 karma

I appreciate when there are male daycare professionals around as it's an important influence and an important type of interaction with the kids overall. We use the US military daycare system called Childhood Development Center for our daughter (it's the same program no matter where we move so it provides consistency for kids who don't have that in their life as a general rule) and will likely use it for our son as well who will be born shortly.

I work hard to treat male teachers and female teachers the same as I see a number of parents turning to the women for daily reports when they aren't the main teacher the male is, or worse complaining about male teachers to directors.

Is there something in particular that would help from the parent side? I'd like to continue seeing male educators/daycare workers overall, and sometimes it feels like there is only one token male teacher.

idgelee46 karma

It's a good theory but now having experienced the differences I'd say it's not always put into practice. We recently moved, and the previous location definitely spoiled us by how nice, new, and very well staffed that location is. Her new location is mediocre in every way especially the staff - which to me is the most important aspect.

I am always vocal about complements to the teachers/staff. I appreciate the hardwork it is to take care of 20 2-year-olds while keeping everyone on a schedule. It's like herding cats I'd imagine.

Daycare has taught my daughter so much more independence than I can possibly thank them for. Good to know I've been reenforcing the decision to hire good staff where I can.

What's your worst moment with a parent? (I know they are sometimes worse than the kids!)

idgelee5 karma

Can you share who was on the original list? Were there any you wish you could have interviewed after researching their cases?

idgelee2 karma

Did they use magnesium to treat the pre-eclampsia for you?

They were worried about it with me because of a blood pressure spike. I was fine, but the bp cuff was stupid and kept being put on so it'd wind up around my elbow, I was angry and annoyed and the nurses during my delivery sucked. I would shake shake shake especially after cervical checks. They never explained the side affects of the magnesium to me either which truly angered me.

idgelee1 karma

I'm so very very glad you guys are ok! From one military family to another - I'm glad you are both ok! And everything is well and good!