Highest Rated Comments

ieatfishes577 karma

Hi Tony i am your best fan.

"On the contrary. There are several better than you. Actually, you'd be surprised at how low you rate.


Oh goodness, that's wonderful.

ieatfishes481 karma

Since this hasn't been answered, I know John Krasinski answered this in another interview a few years back: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1902817,00.html

Virtually none of it is ad-libbed. We have the greatest writers in television, truly. They write every 'um' and 'ah' and beat and pause. We are all talentless on the show and can do nothing without writers. That's basically what I'm saying.

It may have changed since 2009.

ieatfishes457 karma

I just believe that when you are in the public eye and people buy your records and go to your shows and support your work, that you belong to them, and so I never say no to anybody.

That's a really interesting way to put it. Makes a lot of sense.

ieatfishes325 karma

I want to say thanks for the in-depth, thought out, and very interesting answers. Awesome AMA.

ieatfishes54 karma

Why wouldn't there be any making out? I mean, it's not like he can resist...
