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imhereforthemeta210 karma

Hi Yvette! Im not sure how often you get this, but Shirley started off as a character I wasn't very interested in, and has since become my absolute favorite. I guess this is sort of a nerdy question, but do you have any thoughts about how Shirley has evolved since the pilot? Especially in regards to her really dynamic and awesome friendship with Jeff (which is by far my favorite relationship on the show)

Also, can I just say that you are such a lovely and courteous woman. I feel like you really go the extra mile to get involved with fans, and every time I see you in an interview, you are always so open and insightful about the show and the culture surrounding it. Thank you for everything!

imhereforthemeta112 karma

Dear Chuck,

Myself and my FELLOW LADYBUCKS are so inspired by you, we share your wisdom daily. You have taught us so much about real love.

My question is this. We are personally very interested in your dramatic political tinglers. Will you ever release a compilation of your most dramatic political tinglers?

Also, what is the best way for ladybucks to inspire and support each other in a time when it can be tough to be a ladybuck?

imhereforthemeta23 karma

My apologies for the long rant, this is directed at both the responder and OP and addressing points from both

My brother is mentally probably sitting somewhere around 6. He can’t do anything independently and basically sits around in a basement all day clicking through Google images and watching movies. My parents are super financially secure and have attempted to give him every opportunity to succeed- we are talking therapy, disability outreach programs, you name it.

It is absolutely batshit to me that folks on the spectrum who can live normal lives like to pretend like their experiences are the same, and thus no cure is needed. It’s not even “he can’t communicate” he can’t have any form of a conversation- just a loop that he will go on asking the same 5-10 questions over and over again. He can’t type out a real conversation either (it’s not about being verbal or not) It’s the same questions about cats and dinosaurs and that about covers it.

The “autism doesn’t need to be cured” conversation completely centers itself around the better case scenarios for the spectrum and comes off insanely selfish to me.

It’s insanely reasonable to want to allow parents to ensure that autism does not end up being a factor for their future kids, especially when it’s a crapshoot if the kid will need therapy and support or whole ass lifelong assisted care that many families will never be able to financially or emotionally provide (and even if they can, the insane emotional labor for the family and the isolated and often chaotic and emotional life of that person, just nope)

I’ve seen some advocates say “well how do you know they aren’t happy”, but it’s really a snowball. It’s that their parents literally need to become full time caregivers. It’s that rather than interacting with loved ones in a meaningful way, folks like my brother are living in a constant mental loop. Why the fuck would I want that for him or my family instead of him growing up, getting married, learning how to drive, and genuinely experiencing the world!? Why would you ever want to Rob a parent of the ability to provide that that for their future kids?

I’m glad yall are comfortable with yourselves but its really disappointing to hear shit the constant brush offs that other folks on the spectrum just need the right amount of social support or therapy or that it’s all the same general experience. There are a ton of people on the spectrum who dont even cognitively understand what “masking” is and will never learn how to manage “coping mechanisms”. At the very least this is the case with my brother, despite having every financial advantage with passionate and motivated parents desperate to help him navigates the world.

imhereforthemeta13 karma

Hey Smarty! One of your TXRD babies here!

So you started not just on the banked track, but with a banked track league that heavily favors entertainment, crazy costumes, fighting, etc. Now of course, you play at a high level of derby that resembles most modern sports in structure. You are a rare example of a skater who has seen derby from every level.

My questions are:

1- Do you believe there is room for "entertainment"/costumes/penalty wheels/all of that in modern roller derby of any kind?

2- Do you believe that it's possible for leagues that value entertainment as part of their sport to be competitive?

3- Generally, how do you feel about these two worlds and how they interact with each other? Should they be interacting more, or is it time for old school derby to die out? Where do you see derby in 20 years in that regard?

Thank you so much for chatting with us today! You are a very lovely person!

imhereforthemeta4 karma

Thanks for the AMA. I'd love to pick your brain about the road less traveled for those of us that rock the 9-5, but love adventuring when we can.

Top 5 places in the US that we should all visit before we die, and what are the best free/inexpensive things to do there?

Top 5 small towns (we are talking places that 99% of us wouldn't normally hear about) that caught you buy surprise/interest you, and what to do there?

Your least favorite states?

Any diners, food trucks, places to eat/get a drink that are very memorable to you? Still that is worth stopping at if you get the chance that people may not know about?

If someone was to take a road trip, what is your favorite route (assuming the starting place and ending place are anywhere)