Highest Rated Comments

improbablity4 karma

What gift would you suggest for someone who likes robotics and messing about with electronics (who has an arduino and is tired of vex kits)? Or really what's the coolest gift you could find, one that you'd want yourself? My mom said that I had to put something besides cash on my Christmas list and I don't know what else I would want.

improbablity2 karma

What's your favorite book? If you don't have a favorite what books do you recommend?

improbablity2 karma

I already posted a question but I'm bored and excited because I've never seen an AMA from people from my area before. Plus, you guys are awesome. The first time I saw you was at centennial three or four summers ago. Half the audience left when you started playing. I figured you'd be like most of the bands around here and exist halfheartedly for a year or two. Instead you became one of the best local bands I've seen. One of the best pop punk bands around right now, really. It's awesome.

I don't have any questions related to that but what's your favorite thing to do in the suburbs on a beautiful spring day (bonus points if I can bring my dog to this activity)?

improbablity2 karma

Why is this an Ask US Anything if only Joe is doing this?

improbablity2 karma

Hi, thanks for doing the AMA. I must say I hadn't heard about The War Comes home before this, but from reading the article/ watching the preview it looks very interesting. I have three questions, if you'll indulge me.

  1. The face of journalism has been changing for the past few decades, with information being immediately accessible but often ignored. Do you think that twenty-one year olds today are adequately informed in the goings on of the world, and how would you like to see things change?
  2. What do you think the most pressing issue in the world is today?
  3. What's your favorite book? Thanks!