Highest Rated Comments

imtylerdurden1170 karma

Hey Aaron, enormous fan. Just a few questions:

  1. I heard that you got a concussion and had to go the ER while shooting one of the seasons, what's the story behind that?

  2. What has been your all time favorite scene to film thus far?

  3. It's very clear that Jesse's character has changed significantly since season one. Would you say that you've changed as well? How has Jesse's character influenced your work as an actor?

  4. Are you satisfied with the ending?

imtylerdurden40 karma

Bradley Whitford told me that acting on The West Wing changed your political stance slightly, can you confirm?

imtylerdurden5 karma

What do YOU like to see on stage when a band plays a set?

imtylerdurden5 karma

Are there any bands that are playing the Warehouse right now that you see a lot of potential in, and could possibly make it?