Highest Rated Comments

inFeathers30 karma

Wow. I never even thought about that possibility.

inFeathers2 karma

That last bit is a really great way to punctuate it. Reddit is far too full of armchair physicians.

inFeathers2 karma

I'd be very interested in seeing this answered

inFeathers2 karma

Thanks for the Ama. Very interesting.

Why is it important to you to live in a Jewish country, or a state where yours a majority?

inFeathers1 karma

Firstly, thank you for your amazing art. I really enjoyed browsing your work and I'm so glad someone posted on Reddit so I could experience it!

I have two questions:

  1. How do you stay inspired? What do you turn to on the days where you're just 'not in the zone'?

  2. Do you listen to music while you paint? And, if so, what do you listen to?