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indaelgar41 karma

YOU’RE IN CHICAGO 7?! Man. I would have made much more of an attempt to watch the filming. That shit shut down the blocks around my apartment for weeks!

indaelgar18 karma

This is in line with the research coming out of Oregon from 2 years ago. I have been out of the field for a year, but their practical studies showed that marijuana use impacted driving skills. Colorado showed a statistically significant increase in fatal car accidents after legalization. My facts are old by at least 1.5 years, but weed is a drug that can affect your motor skills. I'm not against it, and am an occasional user myself - but never less than 4 hours before driving. I've seen too many stats.

Sorry I don't have my old files handy to give you sources.

indaelgar9 karma

They have a crowdfunding page at the bottom of the buzzfeed article. I'm not sure if it can be posted here, by rules, so check there.

indaelgar3 karma

You mentioned in a previous comment that you were on a reality TV show - did it have to do with any of these things? If so - what was it and how? 2. What are you most excited about as an up and coming manufacturing technology?

indaelgar3 karma

Not OP, or an amputee, but was an athlete for many years and had years of intensive training both healthy and injured (which obviously doesn't compare to where you are at). I might offer some thoughts from my experiences and what I have witnessed from seeing others recover from brutal injuries. For a massive life changer like an amputation, your whole idea of working out will need to change, and I would recommend finding a PT who is experienced w/amputees to help you. Much of your beginning challenges may be in just rebuilding stamina in all the other areas of your body, and building new stamina in the muscles that will now compensate for what is gone. If your scars have fully healed, swimming may be the very best option for you to start. With a below the knee amp, you would even be able to use a pull buoy (float you put between your legs) and do arm workouts exclusively - eventually. To start, the point would just be cardio, building stamina. The main reason to have a PT though, is to keep a very close eye on form. You'll try to use the wrong compensatory muscles, and proper form will be 100% key to preventing strain or further pain. I don't know your health insurance, but maybe they would pay for these PT visits or even a gym pass. You sound like such a warrior - an amputee and a Mom. Good lucky and best of healing to you.