Highest Rated Comments

indgeorge9 karma

What do you make of the fact that Alex Jones in now an establishment figure?

indgeorge6 karma

How does The New Human Rights Movement differ from The Zeitgiest Movement Defined?

indgeorge3 karma

When did you discover Buckminster Fuller and how did you stumble upon him? How do you conduct research in general?

indgeorge2 karma

Has the Marxist concept of the "Base-Superstructure" influenced your ideas at all? What separates Veblen from Marx in your opinion? Have you read/gotten anything out of the work of the Marxists/Post-Marxists (or anarchists) that lived after Marx?

indgeorge2 karma

What does the global chessboard look like to you right now? What facets of it are the most precarious in terms of war in your view?