Highest Rated Comments

indieshometownhifi71 karma

Sincerely, HolyShit

indieshometownhifi37 karma

Every job has its risks, what are some that are unique to yours?

indieshometownhifi36 karma

Thank you. My brother went 2 times and tried for Afghan. What is your suggestion on how to best help veterans, I mean how can the average person help. What can we say? What can we ask? What shouldn't we ask? Just the basics on being a friend or a brother.

indieshometownhifi35 karma

when you say you landed planes where ever you could does that mean even the small muni airports like stockton and sonoma county?

indieshometownhifi35 karma

Til that a stereotype exists about Canadians politely smoking pot (ok the politeness is just assumed)