Highest Rated Comments

indirectdelete3 karma

That’s so beautiful. I can’t believe you’re only 14 dude! I’m twice your age and you seem far more eloquent and wise than I am. I’ve been really enjoying reading through all these comments.

indirectdelete3 karma

What are some of your hobbies other than archery?

Also thanks for doing this AMA, it’s been a great monday morning read!

indirectdelete2 karma

That’s awesome! What kind of stuff have you been playing/listening to lately? I play drums and guitar as well, started when I was around your age.

indirectdelete2 karma

Yes!! The Mars Volta (and Jon Theodore and Thomas Pridgen) made me the drummer I am today. It’s so great to hear the next generation is also listening to that stuff. I’m still trying to master that album.

indirectdelete0 karma

Thanks for the reply! Y’all are an inspiration.

I’m in Brooklyn NYC, been dealing with slumlords for too many years and can’t take it anymore. One of my close friends stopped paying rent last year because the landlord stopped providing heat and hot water and we’ve been staying here since.