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indlovespak27 karma

Excellent questions..

There are quite a few reasons, but the most significant source of animosity is that most Indians have never met any Pakistanis, and most Pakistanis have never met any Indians. So because of the lack of any personal context, it's easy to just rely on what we heard about the other country in the news and on TV. There's a lot of political propaganda on both sides, which is full of exaggerated half-truths. In short, everyone around us dehumanizes the people of the other country.

In my opinion, the most effective to restore good faith between the PEOPLE of the two nations is to vastly increase the number of connections and conversations across the border. Luckily for our generation, the tools at our disposal are unprecedented in human history - Facebook, Twitter, Reddit - all these inventions call out for the goodness in man. Social media has turned the world into a village, where there's virtually no separation between us. We can reach out and make a connection. We must realize the truth that nationality is an accident of birth. Just because someone was born on the other side of a man made line in the sand doesn't make them less human or more evil.

There are many promising signs that this is happening. Less than 2 months ago, a school was attacked in Peshawar Pakistan, where 132 young students lost their lives. Indians started tweeted #IndiaWithPakistan, and within 2 days, there were over 1 million tweets sent. And, just last night, I saw this video of Indian college students wishing Pakistanis a Happy Valentine's Day. These seemingly small gestures are HUGE. It's like lighting a candle in a dark room. And what's more is that, a candle can light other candles without losing it's light at all. That's what we're seeing here these micro gestures between the people.

I have a dream that one day people will be judged by the content of their character, and not the color of their passport. :)

tl;dr - problem is that we don't know each other. solution is that social media allows us to get to know each other.

indlovespak15 karma

India OR Pakistan because... in the app, you see a photo of a person, monument, or street, and you have to answer whether you think it's India OR Pakistan. Then you see the correct answer, and get the next photo.

indlovespak10 karma

India. New Delhi.

indlovespak8 karma

Negative messages have been extremely rare, maybe 1 message every 2 months or so. And, even then, they're almost never pointed at me personally.

But on the contrary, I'm blown away by the 1-on-1 messages and the public comments I receive with support and love from both countries - from villages, small towns and big cities. It's so heartwarming. The messages are so nice that it would even make a robotic elf jedi a bit teary eyed. :)

indlovespak8 karma

Can you please clarify whether you mean this app or this website?