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inkseep1440 karma

I was in casino surveillance. We are looking for your mistakes as well as making sure you are honest. How conscious are you that every move you make is being recorded and sometimes watched live?

inkseep13 karma

When articles state the distance to an object in billion light years, I assume it is proper distance. However, with inflation and expanding universe, how old is the light really? How much closer was the object when an event like a supernova occurred?

inkseep11 karma

Thanks. How about specifically. ULAS J1120+0641 at redshift 7.1 is seen as it was 770 my after the big bang. An article states 12.9 bly away and light took that long to get here. Was the universe expansion so quick that it moved that quasar's location and our current location so far apart that it really was about that far away 770 my after BB or was it a lot closer to us back then? At 3957 megaparsecs away and expansion at about 73 km / megaparsec / second since the start of the universe, it sees like things were a bit closer back then. I didn't do the math on the expansion. Maybe space is so big that expansion is rounding to zero. But I am not sure of the relative effects of inflation / expansion at these scales.

inkseep11 karma

In Florida, is it cheaper to get a vendor's license to sell food? I think I saw that in Florida you don't need a license if you sell prepackaged food. Could you simply sell food to the homeless for 1 cent to get around the problem?

inkseep11 karma

Did the calluses on your feet fall off while you where there and what was it like to feet weight on your feet when you got back?