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iredditinla1293 karma

He told a very in-depth version of this story on Marc Maron's WTF podcast. Worth a listen.

Edited to include source, courtesy of /u/unsupported

iredditinla16 karma

Do they speak Japanese? Or at least understand it?

iredditinla2 karma

Everyone knows about your intellect but you have a long, undeniable and entirely admirable history of involvement in movies that trade on your physicality and which are geared for audiences closer to the lowest common denominator. There's got to be an interesting dichotomy in your life. What is that like for you? Is it something you'd like to change?

iredditinla1 karma

Hi Vincent - I'm an alum and while I don't really have a question at the moment, I just wanted to let you know that we in the alumni community are really proud of you and Mr. Odoms. I've donated a bit to your cause in the past and intend to do so again.

iredditinla1 karma

I actually watched the entire series over the weekend - really love your sensibility and am looking forward to watching more. There's sort of a Todd Barry meets Steven Wright meets Ricky Gervais thing meets Sasha Baron Cohen that really works for me. I'm not sure where they'd all be meeting, but it sounds like a cool place.

Two questions:

  1. My wife is convinced that Sue Stanford was either in on the joke or has an acting background - any truth to that? She was just too perfect.

  2. Also, were you really at any risk with the Mall Santa bit? Fun to watch, but I can't imagine that you'd have been able to get clearances from the network to do the shoot or from any of security those guys to use their faces for broadcast.

*edited to add the Sasha Baron Cohen thing... *