Highest Rated Comments

ironicirenic340 karma

I'm so immature.

ironicirenic103 karma

What just happened?

ironicirenic62 karma

I couldn't agree with you more. I watched Casey put an axe through a DSLR and almost stopped watching his vlogs. I'm an amateur photographer that can't really afford something like that and he just annihilated it.

ironicirenic2 karma

Do you ever find yourself giving advice or saying things that you don't believe in yourself? If so, how do you feel about that and do you think it's an ok thing to do?

I ask because I spent a few years in my teens being the main support system for three different people, while I was extremely depressed myself. I was constantly on the phone with these people - giving advice, proving their worth, begging them to stay alive, etc... but the entire time, I was feeling the same way they were.

It was hard for me to do because everything I was saying also applied to my own life, but I couldn't even believe my own words.

Thankfully, all three of those people are alive and I am in a much better place. That being said, it was a period of time I will never forget and I want to thank you for your work.

ironicirenic1 karma

When I was 12 (19 now) I was having severe migraines and leg tightness. My mom took me to get a CAT scan but nothing showed up. She was really concerned and thought that couldn't be right... so she took me to get an MRI.... and lo and behold, two tumors on my spinal cord. I went in for surgery and everything seemed to be fine, but a few days after leaving the hospital, I started leaking spinal fluid from my stitches so I had to have a second surgery. Then, as if that wasn't enough, two weeks later my incision got infected and I had to have a third surgery to clean it out.

So I guess the moral of my story is that I know what it's like to have major back issues. It is so awful to be stuck in bed, not allowed or even able to move. It's not something anyone should have to deal with.

So my questions to you are these: I'm assuming you spent alot of time in bed watching TV, so what were your favorite shows during this time period? (the food network was my shit). What do you feel was the biggest thing you missed out on because of your surgery and impairment?