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isotank25 karma

I plan on uploading one maybe before Christmas, just got to make sure I got the money before my next paycheck for the developer fee.

And yes, you play the stroboscope over closed eyelids. Once you open your eyes all effects end, except you might feel a little relaxed as if you just finished meditating.

isotank11 karma

Sure. Also I'll inbox you when it is up.

I'm a novice programmer (I made the app with zero experience by googling and asking reddit) but I should have it up soon.

isotank10 karma

I have a warning on the description in the appstore and in the app before you start the stroboscope. A popup might be a good idea though, thanks!

isotank9 karma

I've always been a fan of William S. Burroughs and the beatniks.

One of the methods Burroughs used to generate ideas for his writings was to use a Dreamachine. This is a stroboscope made from a perforated tube on a rotating turntable with a light in the middle. (Plans are available online if you wish to build one using bristle board, a record player, and a lamp).

I built one in highschool for a science fair project. Taking psychology I was reminded of this by reading about the effect used in the lab to simulate hallucinatory conditions.

I thought I'd make an app that would cost less than the bristle board to make a homemade Dreamachine yourself, and you could carry around with you.

Manufactured Dreamachines can cost thousands, so hopefully with this more people out there will be able to use this method to explore their unconscious visual landscape.

isotank8 karma

Beside the fact that people with epilepsy shouldn't use anything involving flashing lights there are no negative side-effects or dangers.

In fact it causes you to relax so there are benefits to using it.

The procedure that the app uses is documented in experimental studies to be effective, and its been documented for over 100 years. Its just no one (besides a handful) have thought to use the effect outside the lab.

If you go to google scholar and search stroboscope and entrainment or hallucinations or Charles bonnet syndrome you will see plenty of results.

My favourite journal article is this one: http://www.karger.com/Article/FullText/235945

Edit: spelling.