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itsnotbacon22 karma

If anyone was wondering what class looks like, this reply is it.

itsnotbacon3 karma

A (male) friend of mine that was a junior national said that while its great the USA brought home gold, no one on either team really wanted to win or lose by shootout. He said winning by shootout in a final is considered bush league by players, and the IOC should give the players the chance to win via regular play. How accurate is his statement?

itsnotbacon3 karma

Yo, we met at chili fest a few years ago. I'm a tall guy, long hair. You watched over my beer cooler while the college kids tried to walk off with it. I'm not a hot sauce eater myself, but I recommended it your sauce to some friends of mine and it quickly took over the office. Just wanted to say congrats on the great product!

I'm trying to start my own company now and am looking for some successful folks to be mentors. Do you have any interest in mentoring?

itsnotbacon2 karma

I play tube amps (mesa boogie mark V currently), and find solid state circuitry to lack feel. It seems tubes are able to react to the players input. The only pedal that has ever come close to the feel of tube distortion is a modified version of the hughes and kettner tube factor by a german group called the tone hunters. Peavey's transtube line was the closest all solid state circuitry I've played that had a bit a feel, however it very much only had one sound. This goes for modeling suites as well like guitar rig or eleven. It seems most builders only try to recreate the sound, and ignore the dance that the guitar player has with his subtly changing sound. Knowing this, i have a few questions:
How would you try to sell me on pedal based overdrive/distortion?
Do you ever think about recreating a tube feel vs just a tube sound?
A lot of people boutique builders are still using off the shelf parts solid state parts like the 4558 to get distortion, are you going to bring something completely new to the game, or just build pedals around fairly standardized parts like this?

itsnotbacon2 karma

Basic question: For all the mainly Windows admins that are curious about the looming cloud, what skills should we be worried about honing the most? Chef/Puppet? Python? Should we eventually expect the same menu driven UI that we've be accustomed to in the Windows world? What skills would you say are most important to leverage AWS?