Highest Rated Comments

iwasnotshadowbanned2 karma

How likely is a woman to be the victim of a violent crime in Burma compared to a man?

iwasnotshadowbanned2 karma

What is your competition cube?

iwasnotshadowbanned1 karma

As a fan of of Home Movies and animation in general and waited expectantly for Bob's Burgers to come out. I was really hoping for a special show and instead all my hopes were dashed and Bob's Burgers fell well short of meeting my expectations.

If you were to do a project like this in the future, what sorts of things would you do differently to make the show better?

iwasnotshadowbanned1 karma

How do you feel about Motherboard's turn towards SJW values?

Are there any topics you are forbidden to talk about because of this?

iwasnotshadowbanned1 karma

How many Cubes do you have?