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jafbm528 karma

Next year, my wife and I will have been married 45 years. How does the next 22 years feel?

jafbm97 karma

63 year old doctor here. Specialty? What are you going to miss most about medicine?

jafbm5 karma

Explain to me like I'm five: What is the maker movement?

jafbm2 karma

One of the earliest books I read on hacking (pre pc era) might define it as "dirty tricks"

jafbm1 karma

If, according to Ben Hodges, within four or five years Russia could develop the capability to wage war simultaneously on three fronts, and the first front in fact already exists in the Ukraine, will the second be between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh? And the third opened in Central Asia?

If so, what role will North Korea and China play in this third front?