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janhen10105 karma

How was life growing up there? How strong of an influence did Kim Jong Il's have on the nation?

janhen103 karma

Yes, I have to agree with you there. My background is Pakistani, particularly Islamabad, and I have heard some horrific stories about what goes on there. Many people who are said to have "disappeared" actually wind up in one of these torture cells.

janhen103 karma

As a journalist, what has been your most frightening experience?

janhen102 karma

Cloud computing is the next big frontier in game development. In your opinion, do you see this as a problem or a benefit?

janhen101 karma

Based on your observations as a journalist, would you say that America is operating in fear with regards to the "war on terror"? Is it true to say that America's counter-terrorism policies in parts of the Middle East are very foolish?