Highest Rated Comments

jayisrad463 karma

I don't watch football and I have no idea what an NFL OG is, but the shit you've posted is fucking hilarious. A+++++++ WOULD READ AGAIN.

jayisrad170 karma

Fellow EB'er chiming in. I'm a bit older and it took me a long time to get over the embarrassment of losing my nails. I wouldn't put myself in situations that required me to take off my socks and unveil the depressing site of my nasty toes (which, looking at them now, aren't awful.)

I was also born without skin on the front side of my left leg, which prevented me from wearing shorts to the beach until I was about 22 because of its unattractiveness. Due to the sensitivity of the epidermis, I was also discharged from the military. Now I just plain ole' don't give a shit. I have a gorgeous girlfriend and I rock the beach in 70's style short shorts.

Fortunately I have a mild form of EB, but my heart goes out to those who suffer day to day, wrapping their wounds and living with debilitating scar tissue.

If you want someone to talk to, hit me up. Be strong, my young EB redditor.

To the uninitiated, kids with EB are referred to as "Butterfly Children" as a result of the delicate nature of the skin.

Here's the YouTube channel of a beautiful young girl from New Zealand suffering from a harsher form. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZEQuFCT-Lk

Her confidence and passion make her such an amazing little woman.

Damn, I've never really talked about this stuff with anyone.

jayisrad18 karma

Hey! I'm the guy who contacted Todd via email and asked him to do an AMA. Not that this is necessarily proof, but I can definitely vouch for him. I can post email screen caps if necessary.

jayisrad2 karma

Thanks again for doing the AMA. Now onto a few questions:

Did you get to meet Jon Stewart?

Do you have any interesting anecdotes from your experience with the Daily Show?

Do you think the repeal Glass-Steagall is responsible for our crisis, or lack of due diligence?