Highest Rated Comments

jb0nd3837232 karma

Plus an intelligence boost after his DOT was debuffed. He gained Stamina and Resistance as well.

jb0nd3837215 karma

That and you will never have to complain about someone's bad cooking ever again.

jb0nd3837215 karma

I said something similar to my ex mother in-law after she had to have her eye removed because of cancer. She had ask me to look for some fresh tomatoes at the market when I went shopping.

My reply: I'll keep an eye out for it. Doh!!

jb0nd383722 karma

Since nobody else has posted this.. Has anyone ever told you that you really resemble this guy?

jb0nd383722 karma

How could this in any way help her defense? Autopsy performed, meth in baby's system, Both mother and boyfriend meth addicts / dealers. The child was not old enough to go find the bag of meth a stir it in his bottle, so the baby can't be held at all accountable.