Highest Rated Comments

jbaird94 karma

The Great Offerman's suggestion of a canoe paddle is great but if you're a kayaker or want to skip the glueing up of multiple boards you can make a traditional greenland paddle from a 2x4

I'd definitely make it out of cedar too, the one I made is about half the weight of my aluminum paddle and just a hair heavier than my carbon fiber paddle which is impressive..

jbaird42 karma

that has a whooooole new meaning now doesn't it?

jbaird20 karma

When you said 'maced' I thought someone had hit you with a mace. Wow, that must be a bad neighborhood!

jbaird4 karma

has become a propaganda platform for the political party that gives them the most of my money

No one would argue that CBC is anything but left leaning but 'propaganda platform' is a huge silly exaggeration

CBC is funded by the government and that government was conservative from 2004 to our recently election, most of the last decade the conservative government has funded the CBC if its all about the money wouldn't they be right leaning?

'but I said who gives them the most money' well sure the conservatives cut funding for the CBC but no one forced them to do that, and the liberals want to get rid of that cut so I guess that means the CBC is a paid shill, they must have been reallllly playing the long game since CBC is no different than it was for the past couple decades

jbaird3 karma

here is his podcast

I listen to and love his podcast, that's free to download. I didn't find any of his writing that's free to post. I'm sure your local library has some of his work.