Highest Rated Comments

jefferlewpew23 karma

Make a GoFundMe page and link it in your OP, if all of us in this thread donated the cost of that pint or burger that we don't really need I'm sure we can help to towards your medical bills :)

jefferlewpew2 karma

I actually hope it's not a troll

jefferlewpew2 karma

Obviously not OP, but they don't. Him moving his thigh alters the kinetic and pressure sensory information in the prosthetic, and it adjusts accordingly.

If you literally just had a hinge at the knee and ankle of the prosthesis, moving your thigh upwards would cause the knee to bend and the foot to drop; moving the thigh down again would cause the foot to flatten against the ground and the knee to straighten

This prosthesis uses sensory information to fine tune that movement to account for the terrain and how the wearer is moving so that the balance is correct. If you stand on one leg you can notice how your own foot muscles are constantly adjusting to keep you from falling, even if you lean just a few millimetres either way. This is really difficult to mimic artificially

jefferlewpew2 karma

What do you foresee as the biggest threat microbiologically (is that a word?) to a) humans and b) the ecosystem?