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jeffwong17 karma

Are there any weapons on base? For killing rabid wolves or Norwegians?

jeffwong15 karma

My uncle died of a cardiac arrest at a gym. He collapsed and lay face down for about 2 minutes until my aunt arrived to try to do something, even call 911. What really torments her is that no one tried to help, not even flip him over so he wasn't face down, which if they had, they would see he was foaming at the mouth. That people were dumbfounded and weren't sure something was wrong, but wrong enough to fetch her particularly hurt.

There were more messed up things later on, but what aggravates her grief tremendously is the feeling that "he didn't get a fair shot at surviving because of people's inaction and stupidity." (including what happened after they found an AED and waited 15 minutes for a ambulance that was 3 streets away.)

To be fair, most people don't know what cardiac arrest looks like, and even fewer people would know what to do.

jeffwong6 karma

Vietnam was particularly bad since the M16 was fielded in a hurry and too much wishful thinking. I thought I knew everything about how messed up Vietnam was until I read CJ Chivers' book "The Gun".

It was so bad that it's hard to imagine any way it could have been made FUBARed any harder, even in the NVA's wildest dreams.

jeffwong2 karma

You can't be jailed for breech of contract.

jeffwong1 karma

What do you guys think that zombies are a metaphor for?

Are they stand-ins for our desire to kill lots of other people and have good justification for doing so?

Are zombies symbolic of a possible future in which people have run out of food and are now all cannibals? (ala The Road)