Highest Rated Comments

jesusice23 karma

Wish I had some more upvotes for you

jesusice2 karma

Why do you ask questions you know the answer to?

jesusice1 karma

I haven't had to yet :)

Thanks for the reply! I used Swype beta for a long time but since have moved onto the stock Android KB but I did buy Swype yesterday.

jesusice1 karma

I want to be able to remove words from the default dictionary. Not words that I've added but normal words that I never use that interfere with other common words. Like "fir". Can Swype make that happen?

Also, you mad at Google? The Android keyboard is pretty nice now..

jesusice1 karma

How to get my wife to watch Iron Sky? I want to see it and keep casually working it into conversation but the wife will never bite! "Hey, what's that movie that everyone's talking about? Something about Nazis? On the moon...?"