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jherico175 karma

In the long run, there are going to be a ton of VR devices out there serving every price point, much like the television market

Are you working with any kind of consortium to develop a cross platform VR API, a sort of OpenGL for VR in order to ensure that this broad range of VR devices don't all die due to a fractured base of applications available for each HMD?

jherico56 karma

Our two party system is part of what is wrong with American politics today.

Then you should be out promoting a better voting system than first-past-the-post, not running as a third party candidate. Until the voting system changes, third party candidates are always detrimental to the main candidate who most closely aligns with their goals and to the people that they claim to represent. Those who don't understand that are also part of what's wrong with american politics today.

You say you're a software engineer and a data science practitioner, but you don't get this? I mean it's not a controversial opinion. It's basic game theory.

jherico16 karma

Is there any chance of seeing a new VR game out of Zachtronics, or a VR port of Infinifactory?

jherico4 karma

When you say you don't think it would be easy, are you thinking of a full OpenGL compatibility profile, or just the core profile? It seems like the latter would be significantly easier.

jherico4 karma

More interesting, would it have been possible to produce an updated version of the DK2 for a lower price. Drop the headphones and dual screen design and produce a budget VR headset?