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jhunt20105 karma

You don't talk to ralphie anymore?! Were you guys friends before the show?

jhunt202 karma

What kind of tests do you have to pass to be qualified? Do you have to pass the same kind of driving tests that truck drivers do? Do you have to take any classes on how to deal with kids? Also what's the pay like?

jhunt202 karma

Good luck with everything. My dad had open heart surgery and like you, was technically dead for a bit too. The recovery was lengthy but he got through it just fine and it doing great now. Its amazing what science can do. His biggest gripe was how long it took for all of his body hair to grow back haha. What are your plans when you are fully healed? How has this affected your life as far as living situations and school/work?

jhunt201 karma

How long do you see yourselves doing this? I cant imagine making a career out of it. Also, how long are you away from home for? And how long do you stay at home on your time off?

jhunt201 karma

It probably has been asked already, but I know if this happened to me, the thing I'd miss the most is music. So are you still able to hear songs in your head? How does it feel knowing that you won't discover any more music and all the music you know now is it. Does anything ever get stuck in your head. Whether its music, someone's voice, anything? Also are you able to drive? I know a big concern people have is hearing sirens of emergency vehicles, or someone honking their horn, so how has this affected you in that aspect. One last question, did you meet your so before you completely lost your hearing? If so are you sad that you'll never hear his voice again? If you met him after, what's it feel like to know that you won't hear his voice? Sorry that all of these questions seem like downers, I'm just curious.