Highest Rated Comments

jjwinder9187 karma


jjwinder954 karma

Are you usually allowed to participate in any of these activities?

jjwinder927 karma

Have you ever held anyone you personally knew in prison?? If so, what was this person to you? (EX: Friend, Dad, Uncle, Aunt, Cousin, etc.)

jjwinder927 karma

Because they posted about Reddit on their Facebook page with 10,000+ subscribers, and with a band like these guys, having grown out of a passionate music scene, many people do follow them and would have checked out Reddit. Many of the people seeing this post could have also been lurkers, as many of them are saying, and decided to make an account to defend a band they know when they see them getting a shit storm of hate for merely posting their own work and asking for help in a stick situation.

I agree, its kind of a red flag to see lots of new accounts pop-up for something like this, but most people claiming that are not looking at the circumstances surrounding it.

jjwinder99 karma

Any plans for some softer rock DLC? I'd love me some Killers, Weezer, Imagine Dragons, and Kings of Leon DLC!