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jkohl208 karma

For me it was the gargoyle "statue" where I was the gargoyle, it had animatronic wings and shit that I could flap with a foot switch. I liked to not move at all until the guests were walking into the next room then I'd creep down (or jump down and be loud AF if the guests were younger) and screech right behind the last person in line, which usually sent them running into the claustrophobia tunnel. Made a lady piss herself once. Her husband ran into the room (he knew I was a person cause he had worked there before) ahead of his group and was like "bro, if you can make my wife piss herself I'll bring you a couple beers." I succeeded and he actually bought another ticket to bring me and the other guy in my room 2 beers each. It was HOT in that costume and I was never more happy to have any type of liquid in my life then at that moment.

A second good one was this group of college girls came in. They had suspected I was a person but couldn't really tell because I was just doing my statue gig. I guess they decided I was not a person so the one girl comes up and frickin tried to kiss my mask. So I said calmly when she was right up on me "hey, I'm not a statue." She screamed and ran away. The other guy in my room lost his shit at that one and laughed so hard he cried.

jkohl16 karma

As a dude who has also worked as stone mason, a machine doesn't have "the eye" (as my boss called it) for the artistic laying of stone. A machine can't look at a wall and decide that flipping one stone over will make it better. We worked primarily with found field stone on retaining walls, and it honestly required an artistic touch to placing the stone. We stared at those walls more than we put stone on them. The feeling of success after getting a line of stone just right was too good.

jkohl3 karma

Most likely ancient. My high school had a Greek and Latin class but it wasn't so much a language class where you learn to actually speak a language as it was memorize certain words and their definitions. It was honestly very poorly executed and I can tell you I don't remember anything from those classes.

jkohl3 karma

Uhhh, doesn't a prince get the king upgrade once they begin leading a country? I'm not really sure how thats works tbh, just always assumed king and queen were like title upgrades for prince and princess.