Highest Rated Comments

joecomposer30 karma

I wish I had $1 every time I get asked this question. I usually say "no" which is hilarious but people believe me what I say it.

In all seriousness they are amazing people and I'm honored to have worked with them. I'm a better person in every way because of them.

joecomposer28 karma

Hahahah hi Chandler! Sushi Ike!!! Now you have proof it's me!

joecomposer18 karma

-automation problems

-clocking / sync unreliability

-Apple not caring about pro support

joecomposer18 karma

It's really impossible to pick a favorite! Each one is a different challenge. If you put a gun to my head I'd have to pick Tron: Legacy since it was a big break for me and Daft Punk taught me so much.

joecomposer17 karma

  1. I use Logic, ProTools, Plogue Bidule, and Ableton Live. I'm about to switch (or try anyway) to Cubase from Logic and Nuendo from ProTools.

  2. I begin with writing at the piano for thematic and contrapuntal work; to write a whole cue I use a piano patch within the sequencer to write the whole cue; then I arrange / mockup from there. I'm much faster this way rather than if I try to play with sounds and orchestration while writing.

  3. Play lots of keyboard music by other people. Learn how to read music if you don't already and devour as much Bach, Beethoven, Stravinsky etc etc etc... just sit down at the piano and see how the masters did it :) I would (and still do) spend hours at the piano going through music.

I used to play bass trombone in orchestras, it was super fun and I learned a lot about orchestration by just sitting in the back of the orchestra.