Highest Rated Comments

joetwopointo3 karma

What are some of the most valid objections NY Times readers have raised in response to the series? What are your responses?

joetwopointo3 karma

What are some of the newspapers and media outlets that are a part of your daily media diet? Follow up: what newspapers and media outlets do you avoid?

joetwopointo3 karma

Thanks for doing this AMA. I read The New Yorker quite often and admire its style. Never do I question its alleged "over-use" of the comma. To me, there is no such thing. Now for my question: I am an editor at Fordham University's paper of record, The Ram. I would assume we receive far more error-ridden content than you do at the New Yorker, given the lack of experience of college students, coupled with their tendency to procrastinate.

What advice would you give to young journalists who are looking to improve their writing? As a follow up: What tips do you have for submitting the least error-ridden copy possible?

joetwopointo0 karma

Hey John. I've loved you going all the way back to '06 when I used to listen to "Save Room" and "PDA" on repeat.

My question is: Your style of music has changed in some ways, and has remained similar in others. A lot of artists have a hard time pulling this off. How do you think you succeeded in performing for a broader audience while staying true to your original sound?