Highest Rated Comments

jolly_green_gigante37 karma

Just out of curiosity, why do you feel that it is such a complicated matter, really? I would love for a politician to speak openly about this. Why do you personally believe it was made illegal in the first place, and why are tobacco and alcohol allowed to exist in such a double standard?

jolly_green_gigante9 karma

I do not disagree with anything you said. That being said - Is the same not true for opiates and other prescription medications? As far as I know, a DUI for something other than alcohol is based off of an officer's discretion that the driver is impaired beyond the ability to operate a vehicle, which is still pretty tough to prove in court. I don't agree with driving under the influence, but I don't agree that you can hold one substance hostage based on a hypothetical situation. "You might do this, so you can't do that."

jolly_green_gigante3 karma

Do you actually use TWC as your home service, and if so, what have your customer service experiences been like?

jolly_green_gigante1 karma

Congratulations on your liberation. Is there any literature you would recommend prior to beginning an attempt at a novel?

jolly_green_gigante1 karma
