Highest Rated Comments

jollywandering5 karma

What's the status of your screenplays?

jollywandering4 karma

Without touching your skin, lightly pass your finger over your arm hair. You feel that right? Kind of nice and tingly. Now raise your finger three inches above your arm and make another pass. Feel anything? No, you don't. In an attempt to do something they THINK men want them to do, women are robbing themselves of an additional, perhaps crucial, pleasurable sensation when things are going on down there. So there, you people that like it all hairless.

That said, there's no reason it needs to be a mess.

jollywandering3 karma

Yeah, I'm cool with metadata mining. Can't find patterns without a mountain of data. If you start with one little thread, you can use the metadata to unravel an entire plot and actually catch some bad guys before they do bad things.

That said, there is plenty of potential for abuse. Especially with the other kinds of information gathering they're doing. I get it.

jollywandering2 karma

It really didn't occur to you until this moment that we could talk about that here?

jollywandering2 karma

My guess is about transgender people. Could still be right.