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josh086186 karma

As a former instructor I’d say you’re right, but if I unload it and step away (bathroom or whatever), and tell them not to touch it and I still got shot then that’s on the shooter. I have no idea if that’s how it went down but that’s one scenario

josh08616 karma

I was treated for an eye ulcer about a month before I got Lasik due to bad contact lens habits and didn't have any issues. Only your doctor can tell you if your scarring will affect you. Good luck man.

josh08615 karma

I'm an 8 year vet who just got out of the military 2 weeks ago and am rapidly becoming disillusioned with the process of going back to school out here in Austin. How are the opportunities for prior service?

josh08615 karma

I was in the unit you guys replaced. They told us you guys were going to be demilling and have a short deployment but you know how word changes. My buddy was one of your JFOs. I heard it got pretty hairy when you guys started combat operations. Just wanted to say glad you made it out and did you guys ever go back to the Triangle of Guilt? That would have been your WPNS Co's AO.

And I'll definitely try to catch the NatGeo show. It should be interesting to see places I recognize.

josh08615 karma

The class you taught Tuesday was great, I'm glad I was able to make it. Always a treat when you are at Gracie Humaita.