Highest Rated Comments

jpers1062 karma

The neighborhood he lived in was having trouble with robberies and crime and it sounds like he was fed up with the whole situation. Just before this even happened, two black guys broke into his neighbors house while a mom and her baby were the only ones inside. I think George just wanted to live in a safe community and took his role as neighborhood watch leader too seriously. Following Trayvon wasn't the best idea, but that wouldn't have ended in a gunshot if the kid didn't jump on top of him and start beating him up.

jpers103 karma

how did you go from normal adventurer to professional adventurer?

jpers102 karma

How many crooked cops are around these days?

jpers100 karma

how are you deemed not medically stable? what determined that?

jpers10-1 karma

i farm 2500 acres in ohio. some of your claims are suspicious