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jradoff15 karma

Do people who want to present "another side" to evolution also think there should be alternatives to the theory of gravity, relativity, quantum mechanics, etc.?

jradoff6 karma

It's a warm-fuzzy feeling that there's a "compromise," but in many cases there simply isn't one to be had when the choice is between a scientific idea and a pseudoscientific/superstitious one. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_to_moderation -- the point here is that repealcreationism wants to teach science, not make science classrooms a channel for whatever non-scientific beliefs someone wants to put forth that happen to contradict their faith.

jradoff1 karma

As you say, creationists tend to present specious "weakness" arguments. Why not apply a strategy of including common criticisms of evolution a standard part of the curriculum, along with the appropriate scientific counters to these concerns? See also: http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/faq-misconceptions.html

jradoff1 karma

Is there a "killer app" for 3D printers? What will make this a mainstream technology instead of a hobbyist tool for printing art projects and gun parts?