Highest Rated Comments

jsr0esq23 karma

How would you respond to the altruist who says "I'm altruistic when it's convenient."

jsr0esq22 karma

I am almost finished listening to the audiobook! We need to get this book in the hands of Oprah and make it a bestseller. It needs to be assigned reading for everyone. Thank you for your work.

I have a few questions for you today.

First, egg whites. I am vegan, and family members aren't. I order the tofu scramble. They order an egg white scramble. They tell me there is nothing in egg whites other than protein. Moreover, the protein in egg whites is supposedly better absorbed. Is this correct? Who is eating the better breakfast?

jsr0esq12 karma

Great answer!

jsr0esq12 karma

I agree. Creating associations in your mind are helpful. When first starting out, create the connections. See a cooked chicken, try to think about the poor animal and how it was treated to end up on the plate. I also would think about Dr. Greger's videos on how unhealthy it would be to eat it. My cravings for all animal products is zero. Watch the videos and read the book. Knowledge is power.

Try creating your favorite dishes with substitutes. I loved my grandma's pot roast growing up. Now, I make a similar stew with Gardein beef tips. Or use lentils instead of ground beef, etc.

jsr0esq9 karma

How do you respond to critics that accuse you of "cherry-picking" the studies you review or distort the findings? I trust you that choose well designed studies, sponsored by independent researchers. What is your process like for analyzing a study?