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jumb0tr0n489 karma

San Diego attracts a lot of homeless people from around the country because of the pleasant weather and high level of amenities for the homeless.

jumb0tr0n24 karma

Hey Radley.

Video and audio evidence always seems to disappear when police beat or shoot someone.

What kind of public policy proposal could make this kind of misconduct less likely?

jumb0tr0n3 karma


jumb0tr0n2 karma

My friend had a similar experience, but he died a year later. Glad you made it.

jumb0tr0n1 karma

Hello Zack. How do you feel about charter schools, vouchers, refundable tax credits, and other forms of school choice?

For whatever reason, I've noticed an anecdotal correlation between people who don't want creationism in schools and people who oppose school choice.

Wouldn't you rather the creationists go off to their own school rather than having them take over the school board and force everyone else to read "Jesus Rode Dinosaurs: the REAL history of biology" etc?