Highest Rated Comments

kane5514 karma

Hi, thanks for the AMA.

Have you been contacted in any way from any lawyers about potentially having to give testimony or being deposed in regards to this guy's eventual trial?

kane5510 karma

Recently I watched a documentary about people who keep large, exotic cats as pets. Most of the movie was spent with a guy who dealt with these people and their animals. He said it almost always ends tragically. Either the cat kills/severely injures the person or the cat ends up dying. He also said there is a near epidemic of this happening today. I was wondering if you had any experience with these types of people/situations and maybe just your general thoughts on the whole exotic pet trade?

Thanks for the very cool AMA.

kane558 karma

What made you decide to go into Pediatrics?

Thanks for the AMA.

kane553 karma

I have a niece that is about 2 years from graduating high school and heading to college. She is motivated and a good student. I have been helping her and her dad (my brother) get organized for applying for scholarships.

I was told that she should apply for any and all scholarships that relate to her study field even if she doesn't meet the criteria 100%. If she is close to meeting all the qualifications she should apply anyway. The reason, I was told, is that often they don't get an applicant who meets 100% of the criteria so they award it to someone else. Is this true and should she do this or is this a waste of time and she should only stick to the scholarships she 100% qualifies for.

kane553 karma

Thanks for the AMA. I have two questions:

  1. Do you have any information that is secret/classified that would shock the general public if it were released?

  2. What branch of the government do you officially work for. Is it NSA, CIA, FBI or something more mundane?