Highest Rated Comments

karaoke99997 karma

The promos are horrible. They are truly cringe-inducing.

karaoke99969 karma

Scandinavia is so damn awesome...kick-ass (it means "really great") people like you guys, and it is apparently the happiest geographic region on Earth.

What makes you proud to be Norwegian, and what do you not like about your country?

karaoke99940 karma

Schools are funded by state and federal dollars. A lot of money rides on students proving that they have learned what they are supposed to learn due to No Child Left Behind. Because of this, state-mandated tests are the end-all, be-all of education.

As an 8th grade math teacher, I have a real problem with this. The pressure is too great at all levels. School districts need the money, principals are under pressure by the district administration to engineer decent scores lest they be demoted, teachers are under pressure by the principal to engineer decent scores lest they be reassigned or fired, and students are under pressure to produce lest they have extra tutoring after school, before school, during lunch, on weekends, and during summer school. A lot of students just say, "Fuck it" and shut down. Why bother trying and failing...why not just choose to fail? At leat then you have some modicum of control over what happens to you. It doesn't sound rational, but that is the mind of a teenager.

There has to be a better way. What do you think needs to be done in this regard?

karaoke99919 karma

Your site isn't CIPA certified. Can you explain why one should trust your online pharmacy when it isn't a member of that association?

(For people wondering, from their website: "CIPA is a Canadian association of licensed, retail pharmacies...CIPA certification assures you that the pharmacy provider is licensed, reputable and adheres to stringent safety protocols." https://www.cipa.com/faq-2/)

karaoke99919 karma

Old Texas Giant was Concussion City. Instead of dismantling it, I wish they'd have waited 50 years until the technology existed to retrofit the ride with an artificial intelligence, a sense of its own mortality, and the ability to feel pain. Then, they could have burned it to the ground and then dropped a nuke on the ashes.