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karmapuhlease151 karma

And how did the cameraman get up there if it was so difficult for you? I assume you left the chain for him and everything, but that's still rather difficult/dangerous/terrifying to climb up and over.

karmapuhlease145 karma

I see (in the bill's text) that the payment is set as follows:

"The amount of a payment under subsection (a) to an individual shall be $4 for each day during which the individual was held in captivity by Japanese forces during World War II, compounded annually at a 3 percent annual rate of interest."

What does this actually work out to be today? How much do you get in compensation each month/year/whatever?

karmapuhlease144 karma

My friend submitted a bunch of screenshots of funny statuses (mostly puns and things like that) from his Facebook page to a pretty prestigious school as his supplementary essay. They sent him some sort of likely letter (not for sports or anything though) with a handwritten note about how hilarious they thought he was. He got into their honors program with a big scholarship.

karmapuhlease60 karma

Nice touch with the NASA logo.

karmapuhlease24 karma

I disagree - my birthday is in February, but I know people who have summer birthdays and they hated how difficult it could be to organize their friends and get in contact with some people when they didn't see each other every day at school. The weather is great, sure, but if it's hard to communicate with some guests and many people are on vacation or at summer camps, it definitely has its drawbacks.