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karmicintent7 karma

i'm intrigued as to how you did this on less than $4000- does that include flights, insurance, immunisations and visas? or just the travel costs (accomm, food etc). also, you did work as an aupair- is that how you saved the money to travel?

karmicintent4 karma

great that you could do that, how many months of your trip were you not working? yeah it sucks travelling on a non- US/ Aussie/ Canadian/ EU passport like my partner and i did- have to pay for lots of visas, have to have travel insurance to enter many countries and had to have the yellow fever vax (for south america and africa). hope you get to travel more and do it on a small budget!

karmicintent3 karma

most travellers i have met who are successfully doing long trips and making money, are doing something related to the internet- such as marketing, photography, graphics, website design or running an online business. means anywhere can be your home and you have very portable and needed services useful all over the world.

karmicintent2 karma

i'm a little bit skeptical but going to give op the benefit of the doubt. i have been travelling since feb 2009 and i find it hard to believe that was all she spent, but i do know people who've done very budget trips like europe for 10 weeks on $1000. would be interested to know how she did her daily budgeting! (for our trip, i also bought really cheap flights using sites like orbitz and kayak, we couchsurfed most of the time and we were very careful with money, but the only time we got close to the budget op did, was for cheap countries in south east asia, india and some of the middle east. also when we couchsurfed, we always felt compelled to contribute to food costs and/ or treating our hosts so that sometimes ended up costing us more!)

karmicintent2 karma

ditto.. couchsurfing and the friends we made doing it- best thing about our trip!