Highest Rated Comments

kathi18231 karma

Since I assume you were ‘locked in’ when you were actively using heroin, did you go through a withdrawal that you remember? Are you in recovery (from heroin) now?

kathi18219 karma

Well internet stranger, I don’t know you but I admire you! From freebasing in a hospital bed to 3 years clean is a huge feat and you are awesome! Quitting heroin AND cigarettes is huge! Congratulations and I’m glad your health has improved and glad all the doctors were wrong with their dreary predictions. You are an inspiration and I thank you for sharing your incredible story!

kathi1826 karma

A Cane’s just opened in my neighborhood, outside of San Diego. There’s NEVER a time when the drive thru line is less than 20 cars deep. Can someone tell me why? Is it THAT amazing?!?

kathi1821 karma

I love capybaras. I was wondering- can they be kept as domestic pets? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone having one in a home or on residential properties.

kathi1821 karma

Wow that’s interesting- thank you for that information!