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katmaidog65 karma

If you can swing it (or if it's included), a trip to the Big Island of Hawaii will be a major highlight of the trip. Volcanoes Natl Park is amazing. Kona is awesome, and a drive around the whole island (about 8-10 hours, depending on how many times you stop) is an experience that will live in your heart for life.

Source: former Big Island resident (ten years)

katmaidog58 karma

what the hell is a "CR"?

katmaidog48 karma

How do you feel now about the fact that you were bombing civilian targets?

I know the world was a different place back than, but how does it make you feel now to know that you killed so many non-combatants?

katmaidog32 karma

and then to find a key underneath?????

Thousands of years and we're still leaving our keys under the doormats?

katmaidog24 karma

Sorry, man. It's unconscionable that the medical staff didn't know this.

Even so I can tell you from experience that life is still hella good no matter what. I'm looking at 27 years of it and life just keeps getting better.

A couple of tips...

If you travel, make sure that you book your plane tickets over the phone in order to make sure that you get proper assistance. Your (and my) category of disability in airline parlance is "WCHC". Make sure to tell them this and it will help you immensely.

They are supposed to board us on the plane before everyone else so that we don't put on a show, but that doesn't always happen. If it doesn't, don't get upset, just complain to the airline. Also, if you have to wait more than fifteen minutes after all of the other passengers have deplaned for an aisle chair to get you off, the airline should hear about it. I have gotten beaucoup refunds for this kind of stuff.

Make sure that they seat you in a row where the armrest come up on the aisle seat, and that you are seated in the window seat. Without a raise-able armrest the transfer to your seat can be a tad sketchy, and if they have you seated between another passenger and the aisle, that passenger is stuck, as they will not be able to get past you without you standing up.

If you get pressure sores on your ankles/heels, a soak in epsom salts (about a cup dissolved in a gallon of very warm water) can speed the healing.

Get yourself a portable shower seat to take with you on trips. A lot of hotels will have a fully accessible shower, but will have forgotten to include proper seating. I got one like this, which breaks down really easily and can be packed flat in your luggage.

Hang in there, Bro...it sounds like you are doing all the right stuff.

Message me if you ever need to talk or ask questions.