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keenan35735 karma

I swam with whale sharks last summer I the Gulf of Mexico, it was the most incredible and humble experience of my life so far. To be able to interact and study them on a regular basis must be one of the greatest jobs available. Congratulations and good luck on your continuing success.

keenan35731 karma

love that question, aganhim.

keenan35731 karma

I'm not so concerned with death as I am with living a good life before death comes around. Even as a child I remember feeling the anxiety of the days passing too quickly. Death is inevitable. We're lucky if we don't suffer. We're lucky if we don't die too young. But what's the point, unless of course you're facing a fatal cancer or you've undergone some terrible accident and death truly is imminent. But as an abstract, the point of life is not to contemplate death. The point is to make these fleeting days teem with quality. My goal is to get to the end of this life with no regrets.

keenan35731 karma

Well, Twitter, FB etc are still blocked there, so I had to access those through my international smartphone. Instagram is open. Pres. Rouhani promised to end those blockages but has yet to deliver and I heard a lotof frustration with it there. Of course the great irony is that Rouhani, Zarif and others all use Twitter and FB themselves! So I asked Zarif about this and he told me two things: one, they're still working on it but have opposition from hard-liners and two, he uses a VPN himself.

keenan35731 karma

I love to hear that! Thank you. I will confess something I probably shouldn't.. I hardly ever watch those shows because I don't want to be influenced by somebody else's way of doing things.