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kemb013 karma

Yeah right. I don't ever recall, before social media, this level of resentment between political camps.

But we can't really know where it stems from. Could be the parties themselves. Could be enemy nations manipulating our populations to breed internal hatred. Or it could just be emotions that were always there but had no outlet.

kemb06 karma

I mean I can already see one flaw in his arguments. He claims her got on with the other mods then a few lines down he talks about spending far too long on the pissing match he was having with other mods. That doesn’t sound like someone “getting along”.

kemb03 karma

Thanks. Some of my favourite childhood games and what led me to be a game designer today.

My question: is there a game idea you never made but wish you had?

kemb03 karma

My first thought on seeing this post on waking up in the UK: If this is the doctor, why would he be starting a post at 7am?

I was all ready to track down some hole in his proof to show he's not the real doctor.

kemb03 karma

My girlfriend and I totally love a game called Archipelago. It's insanely fiddly and seems complicated to learn but incredibly rewarding to play once you've got there. But equally a game like Colt Express can be learnt in 5 minutes and is equally fun to play. I'd say both have their place but a more complex game might end up with more of a cult following.